Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stolen moments of sweetness

I was gifted tonight with a rare moment of peaceful bonding with my baby girl.

We put the babes to bed and it seemed to take her extra time to settle. She wasn't altogether crying, but just in there whining and saying "Mamamama.... " (Swoon!)

So I went in and was just going to rub her back, but she looked at me with those beautiful eyes and pointed both fingers up with her arms extended, her way of saying, "I want you to pick me up momma".

I obliged.

I took her to the studio couch in their room and laid down with her cradled in my left arm along side of my body with her face towards mine. I spent a few minutes just letting her snuggle in and then I began to lightly trace the outline of her face and nose and mouth with my finger. She looked up at me with a very peaceful smile as if to say, "I love you for taking this time with me, momma. Thank you. This feels so nice"

My heart is so full right now from this stolen few minutes. It's rare that my 1 year old babies stop moving enough to sit down and snuggle right now.

And yes, I said it. ONE. YEAR. OLD. BABIES!

They turned one on June 12th just a short 13 days ago. This past weekend we had a birthday party for them with our families. I can't believe it's been a year since the day they arrived in my arms. I also can't even begin to describe the amazing changes they have gone through in the past few months. They are completely different babies... Heck, they are actually toddlers now.

Tippy and Tidy tumultuous trip to toddlers has ended.. And the new one of raising toddlers has begun. I can't imagine where this next year is going to take us, how much change they will go through and how much more we will fall in love with them as they do so.

I had given thought to ending this blog here, especially because we really have completed our trip to toddlers. But I will keep this open for now and continue to pop in here and there until I figure out what to do with this blog.

For now, I will leave you with a few pictures of them and a fond hello to all of my friends and followers out there. We are doing well. Tidy is at home, I am at work. I would love for that to be the other way around, but I am grateful for the arrangement that we do have.  Parenting is insanely but the babies are thriving and that brings me peace. I'm crazy enough to even want more, but that has yet to be decided...


St Elsewhere said...

Happy Birthday. They are so gorgeous.

KC said...

They are gorgeous, how can they be 1 already!!!!! It's funny because I often think of having another baby, which for me is impossible (no eggs or embies) but it is a dream. Take care and I am glad everyone is doing so well!!

Nikki said...

They are very sweet!!!