
Friday, October 21, 2011

ICLW AND Beta Day!!!

Happy ICLW and welcome to my little corner of the web and of the ALI community!

Today is a big day for Tidy and me. It's beta day of our very first Anonymous Donor Egg IVF cycle.  We are 10dp5dt  (10 days past 5 day transfer) of 2 beautiful blasts. And, we are blessed enough to have 6 more blasts in the freezer (which takes just a little pressure off this cycle... kind of). It was truly a perfect cycle on the embryo front and I am so very very thankful for that. Dotty 2.0 (the name we have for our SECOND anonymous donor ... you can read more about that saga here) did amazing. I can't thank this woman enough (and I literally can't because she's anonymous). I hope that she feels the gratitude that we have for her taking the time out of our her life to give us this opportunity.

Before you read further, I will say that this post does NOT contain results of my beta. I will post late tonight or early tomorrow with those results... So please keep reading further and later today!!!

Here's the quick play by play: In the last almost 5 years, Tidy and I have been through 5 IUIs, 6 embryo transfers (4 fresh IVF, 2 FETs) with my own eggs, 1 laparoscopy and countless natural cycles with acupuncture, herbs, diet changes and yoga. It's been a long unexplained road...

I never imagined we would be here, not in my wildest dreams, but here we are and for the first time in quite a few years, I feel more hopeful that ever. Hopeful, but of course preparing for a negative, because, hey, that's what we've been accustomed to. Or a chemical... I've had about 3 of those.. FUN!

SO, for any new readers, please follow me and leave a comment and tell me more about you! I love new followers and I'm usually pretty good about commenting back.

Stay tuned for our beta results....

OH! and one more thing. Recently I posted about Tidy's Wisdom... and I have one more of our random evening conversations to share. This happened last night:

Tidy: "Should I have a beer or tea?"
Me: "Have a beer. We've got 6 frosties in the freezer, so ya know. I don't need your swimmers again for quite a while." (Cuz clearly I'm a total paranoid freak and would give him the evil eye for every beer that he had while we were going through this cycle).
Tidy:" Yeah, you're done with my junk. So now I'm on a slow train to toxic town!"

He's a funny one alright... a funny one indeed.


  1. Good Luck today, I will be thinking about you all day. I have a great feeling about this and I hope we aer celebrating soon enough! I love the fact that you have your 6 frosties too, it does take some of the pressure off, although I am sure there is still some stress. Anyways, happy beta day and I am here for you no matter what happens!!!!!!

  2. when I saw the subject line my heart actually stopped. I am going to be stalking you all day long. Much, much, much luck and love coming to you from me in NYC today- here to hold your hand either way.

  3. Super Super Good Luck. I am so hopeful for you, Tippy!

  4. Good luck! I really hope this is it for you!

  5. I thought of you this morning, I remembered it is your day! I really, really hope it is a good one.

  6. Best best best best wishes. Oh man alive, best wishes!!!

  7. Fingers so so crossed!!

    I am not really a new reader but I'm not sure if I've introduced myself - my hubby and I have been trying for a baby for 3+ years, 2 of those with the help of the doctors (5 IUIs, 1 IVF, 1 IVF+ICSI) and I'm now doing my 3rd IVF, using nasal spray now and should start stimulation in 2 weeks. I seem to have a strange maturation issue, where follicles of 22 and even 26 mm turn out to have eggs that are still immature in them. Even the doctors are baffled. This time using a new drug (Menopur instead of Gonal-F) and hoping-hoping-hoping that this is the key to my child!

    Anyway, good luck with your beta, I'm really hopeful for you!

  8. So happy to see you r results. I have followed you for a while. I am sending you best wishes from Chicago!
