
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy ICLW!

Welcome to my blog. I haven't participated in ICLW for quite a few months, but it will be nice to be back and meet some new bloggers.

A little about me and Tidy:

We started trying to conceive almost 5 years ago. In fact, it will be 5 years next month. We've tried everything under the sun: 5 IUIs, 4 IVF (6 total transfers: 4 fresh, 2 frozen). And tons and tons of diet changes, yoga, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, meditation, you name it...

Finally last spring, after our 4th failed IVF cycle with my body, I drew a line in the sand, jumped across it and never looked back. That line in the sand represented my own genetics. We made the decision to try one IVF cycle using donor eggs, from our gracious anonymous donor, Dotty 2.0

And it worked... well...

And we are SOOO grateful...

I am currently pregnant, just over 17 weeks, with twins, thanks to some amazing donor eggs, my husbands swimmers, an amazing team of doctors, and oh I guess my body gets some credit too! I'm so thankful to know that my body can hold a pregnancy.

So please have a look around my blog, leave a comment and join me as we get ready to welcome our twins into our lives.


  1. Just wanted to say that you look great and I'm in awe of your workout schedule. I'm hoping to get back into that soon...I've heard rumors that energy comes back.

  2. Stopping by from ICLW. Congrats on your twin pregnancy, very exciting. And I shall have a peek at your workout routine as mentioned above.

  3. Here from ICLW.
    Congratulations on your pregnancy! Sounds like a rough road, but I am so happy for you that you are where you are! From the sounds of it I need to look at your workout schedule :) (^^) I hope the rest of your pregnancy is amazing and that you have an easy labor as well.

  4. I love that you changed your blog around when you became pregnant. I am trying to figure out when/how to rebrand myself now that I have a two month old.

    You look fabulous!! I worked out the entire time I was pregnant and I think it was the main reason the delivery and recovery were relatively easty. Good luck!

  5. Here from ICLW - congrats on the pregnancy! I've been down about infertility lately, and it makes me so happy to read about somebody being pregnant (one of us, I mean). And good for you for being honest about it when people ask.

  6. Here from ICLW, congratulations, and twins, how exciting!

  7. Congrats on your twins! Your baby bump is so cute. I admire you for speaking up at work about your difficulty getting to this point.

  8. What an amazing story! I am so glad that after all of that something finally worked! And twins? Amazing. Many, many congratulations!

    ICLW #75

  9. Congratulations and good luck! How exciting to be pregnant with twins! It's fantastic that your husband will stay home with them.
