
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Half Way There...

... assuming the average gestation of a twin pregnancy is about 36 weeks (give or take), since today marks 18 weeks, we're half way there. Amazing huh? It goes so friggin fast! I still can't believe it. Even after spending a good hour with our babies today, peering into their brains and hearts and kidneys and stomachs and legs and arms, I still am in awe that they are inside me.

I'm also so grateful, so very very grateful.

We had our 18 week ultrasound today and other than taking a peak at our babies, we did notice that I have a VERY marginal placenta previa, where a tiny tiny edge of Baby A's placenta is covering my cervix. This is a bigger issue later in pregnancy and the hope is that since it is still pretty early, as my uterus grows and expands, the placenta will move with it upwards and away from the cervical opening. It seems that is a pretty likely possibility, per, so for now, I am not going to worry. If it stays covering the cervix, a vaginal birth is likely out of the question. If that is the case, then at least my decision will be made for me.

I've been thinking a lot about birth lately. I know my main goal is to have 2 healthy babies, but I'd also really like to have a vaginal birth if the stars align correctly. I know I pretty much can not control the position of the babies and so that will be a huge determination if our OB lets us try a vaginal birth or encourages us to have a C-section without trying vaginally first.

And yes, I am getting a bit ahead of myself, but my mind works this way. I need to understand what the possibilities are, their likelihoods, and then make myself comfortable with each of the outcome. I find I do that best by thinking out loud, or on paper.... thus the blog.

On a more fun note, instead of a picture of my belly this week, I thought I'd share two 3D pictures of the twins. I'm so attached to them already, it's madness. I barely know them, but feel so protective and in love. I simply can not wait to meet them.

Status: 18w0d

Weight Gain: Same status as last week, so I don't know, but I bet it's starting to pile on!

Symptoms: Still headache free (Woot!) and still feeling a few little movements here and there, but nothing consistent yet. At our ultrasound today, it was confirmed that my placentas are anterior, so they put more cushion between the babies and my belly wall. I think this will make those movements a bit harder to feel. As for the gallbladder, still having some pain with more fatty meals, but I did go in for a gall bladder ultrasound yesterday. They didn't find any stones, which is good, but I'm not sure what that means? I have an email into my doctor, so we'll see what she says. Finally, a new symptom of pregnancy, that I'm assuming is going to last, is that by the end of the day, my mid back is sore and a bit angry... Solution??? MORE MASSAGES!! I can handle that :-)

Cravings: Still none really, although tonight, I did have a little hankering for some green pepper pizza, but made some veggy and tofu fried rice instead. I don't think the gallbladder would be up for the pizza.

Aversions: Again, none to speak of

Exercise: Sunday - 3 mile run, Monday - 1 hr spinning, Wednesday - 45 min lunch time yoga at work. What's my excuse this week for only 3 days? It was Restaurant week here! All of the yummy restaurants that you don't normally go to often because they are a bit on the spendy size, do a 3 course meal for $25 per person. So, we had to go to dinner a few nights this week... Had to ;-)

Best Moment of the Week: Today's ultrasound... hands down. Just seeing those babies again, alive in there, moving around and thriving. It brings tears of joy and relief and gratitude to my face. I can't thank the world enough for giving me this chance. I wish I had more words to express this feeling to do it justice.

What I Look Forward to: Making some decisions this weekend on where we are going to register.


  1. Wow, I can't believe you are 18 weeks already! It goes way to fast. I never believed people when they told me life moves faster once you have children. But it is so true.

  2. Congrats at being halfway! I will deliver at 36 weeks. Right at the average so I think it's a decent assumption that this is your halfway point! Yay! But you might be lucky and cook longer!

  3. I'm sure the marginal placenta previa will correct itself.

    I just can't believe you're halfway!!

  4. Holy crap it really does go so dang fast! You and Cherm may be giving birth around the same time! Wouldn't that just be the most AMAZING thing ever???? ::jumps up and down::

  5. I just told Marty the other day that I have random moments of thinking, "holy crap, tippy is going to have 2 babies this summer!" So I can only imagine how fast it is going for YOU. You're all doing great. :D xoxo

  6. What wonderful 3D photos. I'm seriously impressed by your workout schedule.

    I have been thinking of jogging/running but haven't felt confident enough that it's safe.. talk about protective huh! but have seen now that there are a few out there that actually does just that.

  7. Wonderful news and great pictures! Congrats on the halfway mark. Wishing you at least another happy and healthy 18 weeks.

  8. Wow, time is flying! I was hoping for a gender update, any news?

  9. YAY 18 weeks! So crazy how fast it goes...Those little beans are so sweet nuzzled in there! @M: Eeeek that would be amazing! Would be even more amazing if you got your bean at the same time too!! Come on Universe!

  10. Hi Tippy, I just wanted you to know that I referenced you in my latest blog post.

    Oh and EEK! 18 weeks!

  11. um i prolly should have referenced my blog here :)
