
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Walking Pharmacy

Ovulating a big follicle (23mm) kind of hurts! Can you imagine what it would be like if you had to ovulate all the eggs you grow in an IVF cycle? OUCH!

I triggered my 1 little persistent, Lupron-defying follicle on Thursday night and can definitely feel ovulation pain today. Its amazing that it is occurring just about about 36 hours after the shot. My body does actually respond to SOME type of med in the right way.

Also, I started a plethora of other shots and pills for luteal phase support today. I'm a walking pharmacy.Here's the list:
  • Progesterone (2x daily Crinone gel) - I like this WAY better than the PIO. Hate hate hate those shots in the bum. Oh, and welcome back Prednisone! You know how much I love you.
  • Baby Asprin (1x daily 81mg) - See note below in Levenox.
  • Estrace (3x daily 2mg tablets) - Anyone else take this much estrogen during their 2ww?
  • Prednisone (1x daily 20mg tablets) - I took this for my last 2 transfers and it seems to help with the feverish feeling I got with my first 3 transfers.
  • Levenox (aka - low molecular weight Heparin. 1 40u SQ shot daily) - This, along with the baby aspirin above can help those with high APAs (which I have tested positive for, although this topic is heavily debated). I figure, it can't hurt, and maybe it can help, so I'm willing to give it a shot.
Yes, this may seem extreme, but I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Desperate? ... Maybe.

A Dr Google whore?... .Definitely!


  1. Yay for that follie (and for triplets...heehehee!) I feel for ya on all the luteal phase support. I am on baby aspirin, still on lupron (4 more shots,) hcg injections, medrol, prenatals, estradiol suppositories, estradiol patches and progesterone suppositories (3 of them!) I am completely over the patches and the suppositories, I can't believe I'll be on them for another 3 weeks or more! Yes...I'd say we are both desperate! :-)

  2. So, does this mean I can get a refill of my allergy meds through you? ;)

  3. I really hope that all the drugs will help. Good luck!!!

    I am on progesterone suppositories 2 pills 3 times a day, and Estrace - the lovely blue pills 2mg tablets 2 times a day the same way as the progesterone :)

  4. Wowzers, lots of drugs! I hope they are just the ticket for you :-) Lovenox is awesome! It works! Good luck my dear! Thinking of you!

  5. That does seem like a lot!

    I am doing the Crinone once daily (which I didn't think was enough, so I asked for oral to supplement and am now taking also 200mg of Prometrium), 1 mg of Estrace daily, baby aspirin, no prednisone (I am slightly nervous about this and wish I was), and lovenox, same dosage.

    I can't find any place that says that lovenox can hurt, only help, which makes me feel better. And thus far, this is the best outcome ever, which makes me wonder if it's all the lovenox. I guess I'll never know, but I'm beginning to think it is.

    Hang in there!

  6. Yep, I was on that much oral estrogen.

    Good luck!!!

  7. It's amazing what we will do for a 'dream come true'!!!! Good luck!

  8. Anything that can contribute conception - safe pregnancy - happy baby(s) is so welcome at this point.

    I would be started on heparin in my next pregnancy, that's what I know.

  9. Hi Tippy - Stopping by from ICLW. I am on Estrace, 2 tabs in the AM and 3 in the PM so I think your amount seems right on track to others. How are you enjoying the Lovenox? That is by far the worst shot in the line up. It stings so bad. I really hope this is your cycle. Good luck!
