
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

20 Years Later

20 years ago, last week, a guy in my high school asked me to prom. He was a year younger and while it wasn't common to date someone not in ones grade, something about him caught my eye that spring. He was skinny, wore his hair a bit long, hung out with a group of guys that I think were kind of the little punks of the school and had a face that made my knees weak.

I said yes.

I really don't even know how it happened that he asked me. We honestly had never spoke before. I think we had a friend in common or he had a friend who knew one of my friends, and somehow, someone said they thought the other was cute and word got back... and... well, you know how it goes...

Before we actually went to prom, we decided it might be good to go on a date, you know, so we could see if we liked each other? A week later, he took me out to play mini golf and then for dinner. I think it was a double date with another friend of his in his class who asked one of my friends out. (Clearly it was that long ago that some of the details are escaping me).

We hit it of... and over the course of that summer, we fell in love... he was my first love and I was his.

That skinny, long haired, little punk who I fell in love was Tidy (if you hadn't guessed).

Over the past 20 years, while we were not together the whole time, we stayed connected and finally ended up getting married almost 8 years ago. He is my love, my best friend, my biggest fan, my partner in crime and my home. And there's no way I would have been able to get through these past 5 years of infertility hell without him. I could never have imagined that all those years ago, a simple prom date would turn into this crazy fun adventure we call our life.

And now, we are expecting twins and the next 20 year adventure is just about to begin. I hope you're in for a wild ride, Tidy, cuz I can't imagine it's going to be anything but!

I think these hormones are making me a bit sentimental...


And now the stats.

(So sorry I've slacked so bad on posting this week! It's been a very busy two weeks as you will see below)

Status: 29w5d

Weight Gain: Last Monday, over a week ago, I weighed in at the OB's office and it was up 31 lbs. 

Symptoms:  Heartburn if I eat too much, but ice cream seems to cure it! Also having some mild Braxton-Hicks contractions here and there, but not every day. 

Cravings: Nothing specific, but I have been extra hungry again these past few days and wanting protein

Aversions: None to speak of

Exercise:  Saturday: 30 min walk with Tidy& the pog, Monday: 45 min prenatal yoga, Wednesday: 45 min power yoga at lunch, Thursday: 30 min brisk walk with Tiday & the pog. (That was all last week, I think...)

Best Moment of the Week: We had a second shower this past Sunday with our friends here in town. Hubbies and partners were invited. It was perfect...very relaxed, good beers, great food, sweet gifts and a bunch of our dear friends who have supported us through these years, making us feel normal, accepted and part of their lives as we watched them achieve where we struggled... family building. We are blessed to have such great friends. Thanks everyone! Words can not express our gratitude.

What I Look Forward to: May... April has been and will continue a bit too busy!!! We had our first parenting & childbirth class this past Saturday, the prior Thursday I had a breast feeding class, Tidy just got back this evening from a Dog meet Baby class at the Human Society, Saturday we have our second (and final) day of parenting & childbirth and then this coming Monday we are meeting with one of the three Pediatricians we want to interview in our practice to be the twins doctors.... PHEW! I'm dizzy just thinking about it all. 


  1. I think it is so sweet you married your first love. There is something wonderful about being with a person that knew you before you knew yourself...and being able to grow with that person. Yeah for 2nd shower! I can't wait to see what your little buggers look like! Are they skinny or chubby? Do they have hair? Are they happy or cranky? Every baby has such a unique personality. You can't really appreciate it until you see two babies together..which you guys will get from the beginning!

  2. I am so happy things are going so smoothly for you. I can't believe you are almost 30 weeks! I want to wager my bet on the gender of your babies (one boy, one girl).

  3. 20 years!!

    Here's to many many many decades of togetherness for you.

    I hope you enjoyed your appears to have been a busy while for you!

    Will you turn off the captcha?

  4. Aww 20 years!! Congrats! That is such a cool story. :-D

  5. wowzer! 20 years! You two were totally MFEO.

    Have been thinking of you lately channeling your strength and positivity because we just started our first and hopefully only donor egg cycle.

    Hang on because before you know it they will be here.

  6. Wow, 20 years! What a great story.
    I cannot believe how close you are!!

  7. Awww! I bet it shocks you every time you think about the fact that you have been together for 20 years. I know it shocks me when I think about the fact I've been with my husband for 8 years this June. Obviously I've got nothing on you. lol

    Glad to hear the pregnancy is still going so well. I hope you got some great gifts to help prepare you for the most wonderful job of your life. :)

  8. 20 years - wow! Alex and I have a similar story...2nd date was prom and he is a year younger than me too! We have been together (the whole time) 13yrs now. Glad you are feeling good - I love how ice cream seems to fix everything now!

  9. Your parents should have put the kibosh on that date. Look what happened - you start hanging out with a punk like that and the next thing you know, here you are knocked up!

  10. I don't know what is more amazing, 20 years from then to now or that you are 30 weeks (WOW!) along in a twin pregnancy! I'm so happy for you, and you are in for some life-changing experiences with your babies!

  11. YAY for being in the right place at the right time to find the one you call "home" ... I went through a ten year marriage, figured I'd never find the one I was suppose to be with ... and than BAM! Got hit over the head with a two by four .... We've been together now going on 6 years :)

    DOUBLE YAY (literally) on the twins!! CONGRATS!!! How amazing ... and I have to say - when your road to being a family isn't always easy - you definitely appreciate your kids more .... {{HUGS}}

    Dropping by from ICLW - #86

  12. Hi! New here from ICLW. I love that you went to prom with your husband, and hope you have some good prom pictures!

    And congrats on the twins! Your baby shower #2 sounded lovely.

  13. Hello from ICLW!

    Congrats on years of happiness and hears to come. Wishing you a smooth and peaceful pregnancy and delivery!
