
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear Babies

I am starting to feel you move around and nudge me daily, now.  It feels like my tummy is a soft leather drum and you are gently tapping at it from the inside. While I'm doubt you are consciously trying to tell me things, these movements are so reassuring and feel like you are communicating, saying things like, "Yum! Thank you for that awesome chocolate", or "Can you please give me a bit more of space?"

I feel so lucky to have you both inside me, caring for you, keeping you safe and warm and fed and healthy and giving you the things you need to get strong and ready for your entry into this new world. It's going to be here before we all know it...

Please keep moving around in there. It makes me smile... in a way I've never smiled before.


  1. There is nothing I loved more than that feeling! When I would go for an ultrasound I always ate a chocolate bar about 15 minutes before to wake her up so I could see her moving and kicking inside! Lol! If you can (in a couple of weeks) try to get video of your belly moving when they kick. It's one thing I wish we had done. Treasure every moment!

  2. This post makes me smile. Everytime I feel a kick or nudge I smile.

  3. I can't wait to feel those nudges!

  4. Awe, I love this! It only gets better :)
