
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Male Point of View

For all of your husbands/partners/boyfriends out there who have gone through IVF, or heck, IUIs even, with you, here's a fantastic essay by a husband/partner/boyfriend about his perspective of a day in the life of their IVF cycle. I love how it makes me see it from their perspective. I think one day, I'll ask Tidy to write something here, to share his thoughts on this journey too. We need more of that, don't we? The partner's perspective (for those of you who have a partner in this)? We are so focused on how it affects us, but we don't always get to peak into the other side of this and see what it's like for them.


  1. Tear streaked at 9am at work. Awesome:> You are right, though, so often we focus on the impact on women because while our burden is doesn't mean that the men aren't going through anything. I can't even imagine doing something so personal in a public place...but then again a couple of years ago I couldn't imagine showing my va-jay-jay to over 20 people I don't know. Happy Friday!

  2. Wow, that was powerful. And so upsetting. I am glad you shared, thanks.

  3. thank you for sharing this. it really was emotional for me to read as it paralleled so closely to my life.

  4. Man alive I hope they have a baby too.

  5. Yes, that's a wonderful essay, isn't it? My hubby sent it to me one or two weeks ago. You should read the postscript as well:

  6. What a riveting essay! Definitely hits home....thank you so much for posting!

  7. fantastic and moving is THAT? I love getting this point-of-view! And loved the postscript that lostintranslation posted, too.

  8. love that. Thank you for sharing.

  9. That was amazing. Thank you for sharing. Yes, tears.
