
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Boxing Match

Imagine a dark, smoky boxing arena with a bright light at the center of the ring. All you see are two boxers, each in their respective corners, prepping for the fight. They shift from side to side on their feet, pounding their gloves together, taking their last sips of water and getting their last pep talks from their managers. Off to the side, a rich, low pitched voice comes over the P.A system...

"Introducing first, fighting out of this corner, standing 4.5 years long, weighing heavy on the shoulders, this fighter is as dirty as they come. With 5 prior IUIs and 4 IVF's under her belt, she affects nearly 1 in 8 couples trying to conceive. She is the current title holder.... INFERTILITY"

(Boos, Hisses!!!!! from the crowd)

"And introducing next, fighting out of this corner, standing 5-feet-6-inches tall, weighing 120 pounds with 2 beautiful young ovaries, this woman is an up and comer. A proven donor with three prior cycles under her belt, fantastic egg quality, and plenty of frozens to boot, she is the current donor for Tippy & Tidy...DOTTY TWO POINT OH!!!!"

(Cheers, Claps, YAY!!!!! crowd goes wild)

"Round one, BEGIN!"

And the bell goes, "Ding!"

Dotty 2.0 is starting her stims today. Hip hip, hooray!


  1. Woot woot!!!! What a great little image. GO DOTTIE, bust some IF @ss.

  2. Awesome news! I'm rooting for you (and Dotty 2.0)!!!

  3. Bring it on!! Kick some ass out there Dotty 2.0! Love the imagery!

  4. Go Dotty 2.0! Go Dotty 2.0!! Woo-hoo!!

  5. Here from ICLW :) This post made me smile. Hoping for Dotty 2.0 to score a quick Knock Out!

  6. Stopping by from ICLW, cute imagery about the match:) Go Dotty!!

  7. How exciting!!!

    Go D2.0 Go!!!!!

    I can't wait to hear how it is going!!

  8. Woo-HOO!!! Go Dotty 2.0!!! Kick IF's ass girlie!!!

  9. Visiting from ICLW - here's hoping Dotty 2.0 wins that fight!! Rooting for her and you =D

    Happy ICLW!!
    ICLW #12

  10. I loved how you described that! LOL! Go Dotty 2.0!!!! Woot!

  11. Good luck this go around! I'm rooting for Dotty 2.0!

    Life in the White House

  12. OH, I am getting so excited!!

  13. Congratulations on getting to the good part-- let the fun begin! PS Hope you come out the champion!

  14. Go Dotty, Go!! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog, and hello from my 1st ICLW! Big hugs to you and I hope your cycle kicks butt!!! xoxo

  15. How exciting! Funny way of describing it =)

    Happy ICLW (#55)

  16. That's exciting that we are so close in our DE cycles! I'd love to be cycle buddies. Weird, our donor is also 5'6 and weighs 120. Do you know yet when the retrieval will be?

  17. Yeah!! My donor started her stimms on the 18 so we must be pretty close. She had her retrieval today, they got 50 eggs!! How crazy is that. I sure hope all goes well with your donor, you deserve it.
