
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nothing Really Much to Say

Sorry for the radio silence lately. It seems like it has been a while since I have posted. And to tell you the truth, I haven't had a lot to say on the infertility front. We are still working out some details on the donor agreement with our lawyer and I'm hoping to be able to share some of those details with you all very soon. But, until it has been finalized I somehow feel that I shouldn't share things... a) because I don't want to jinx it from being accepted by all parties and b) I don't want to say something that could get me into trouble. Therefore... until that is finalized... the radio silence on the cycle will continue.

I've also been a bad blogger friend lately, and for that I deeply apologize, but as you all know, sometimes life just gets in the way. I won't give you the millions of excuses that I could come up with, but I will just say that even if I am not commenting on your blogs, I am keeping up and thinking of you.

OH! and stupid Blogger is being STUPID!  I can comment on your blogs at home on my Mac, but I can't seem to do it at work on my PC... I think it has something to do with the version of Internet Explorer that we have loaded at work and it is MAJORLY pissing me off. So my prime commenting time over lunch has basically been taken away... Ok... so I guess that was ONE excuse :-)

In any event, Tidy and I are heading out to beautiful Rocky Mountain National Park this coming Saturday and I simply can't wait! I finished a major project at work this past Monday and now my mind is on camping, hiking and blissing out in the mountains for a few days.... ah.... I can feel it now...

To that extent, I'll be out of the blogger world for all of next week, but rest assured I will get myself caught right back up when I return at the end of this month. Until then... much love to you all and big hopes that all of our baby dreams come true.... very soon.


  1. Have a wonderful time!!! I've been thinking of you as well and completely understand the radio silence! Best of luck!

  2. welcome back and I hope you have a marvelous trip!!

  3. Hope you have a's been gorgeous here lately!! Let me know how the vac. goes when you guys get back!

  4. have a wonderful trip and take tons of photos!!!

    We will all stay here sending you lots of prayers and pixie for things to work out with the lawyer!!!

  5. continuing to think of you, my sweet friend. Go enjoy your life for while, you certainly earned an IF break!!

  6. I have the same problem, but I can usually comment on posts that have a pop-up window. Or on ones that let me comment annonymously (and then I just say it's me). I changed my comment settings to have pop-up and annonymous comments, hoping it would help other people out. Because it's ANNOYING when you want to comment and can't!!!!!

    I hope you have a fabulous vacation!!!

  7. Thinking of you... and enjoy that vacation!

  8. Ooh! I can't wait for your trip!! Have a GREAT time!!! (We just booked our trip to Glacier in August...I'm totally a mountain girl, too!) Blogger has been sucking lately for me, too. Hope everything with the cycle continues to work out!

  9. Oh so jealous about the camping trip! T & I just bought a tent....that's as far as we've gone into planning. LOL. Enjoy, my friend!
