
Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hi everyone!

Hope that you found me here from my prior blog. I told some of you that I was moving here and am hoping that all of my ALI (Adoption, Loss and Infertility) friends will find there way here. Perfect timing with ICLW starting on the 21st! I will leave my old blog up for a while, but may eventually remove it... we'll see.

I made the move over to an 'incognito' blog for two reasons (you can read a bit about it on the last post of my prior blog)

1) Certain circumstances made me less comfortable being brutally honest, which I need and deserve to be on my blog. Because of this, I decided to go underground from certain readers. Nothing earth-shattering, but mostly just self preservation. First and foremost, this is a place for me to release my emotions of this fertility journey and if I can't do that on my blog, where can i, right?

2) If we choose to go down the donor egg or adoption trail if this final FET with our own genetics fails, it will allow me and Tidy (formally known as B) a private space to make these decisions without being judged by people IRL. Not that our family and friends are judgmental, in fact they have been nothing but mostly supportive. But there's always room for misunderstandings and assumptions. And right now, I don't need that.

So, please let me know you have found me here by either following me or leaving me a comment.

Cheers to a new beginning!

Oh, and for my ICLW folks finding me here for the first time, you can find my story above in the tabs (TTC Timeline... ). Currently I'm on BCPs for my final FET with my genetics.... SCARY!


  1. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds....xo

  2. Looking forward to what lies ahead for you. Is there a way you can transfer the content of your previous blog so that you don't lose your past postings?

    Love your new template!

  3. Cute new profile! Looking forward to your future postings! xo

  4. I'm here, I'm here! So glad to follow you here, and looking forward to continuing to follow your journey. :-)

  5. yay for the new blog. looking forwars to following along :)

  6. Here for you as always, Tippy. Sending love and loads of hope. -Lisa

  7. always with you and supporting you on your journey-
    xoxo, jilly

  8. I found you! Happy you have started a blog where you can really be open- very good idea. I can see how (for example) being frustrated that your cousin is accidentally pg with #4 and saying so on your blog could be misinterpreted by your family. I don't think people who haven't walked in your shoes (at least a little) can really get it. I am sending my very strongest hope for your FET and looking forward to continuing to support you on your journey to motherhood. Natascha aka bebehope

  9. Hang in there! And please keep posting! Seems like this is the only way I'm getting any kind of info! 1st IVF in April/May for us.


  10. Best of luck on your FET!!!! It took 5 years for my husband and myself before we got pregnant and stayed that way. We hit the jackpot with a FET.

    I found you through LFCA

  11. Good luck with your FET. I am mid cycle for an FET this month as well. With any luck, those chemical BFP's will turn into the real deal.

  12. I'm one of the ICLW bloggers - and you found me first, actually, so thought I'd come see what you're about. I 100% agree you need a spot somewhere to release everything on your mind without hesitation. A blog to me is the whole "room of one's own" thing ... except I've also taken over our office with cardmaking stuff, so I guess I have two rooms. Anyway - I'll have to go catch up on the other stuff - I like your style of writing.

  13. I completely agree with you that your blog is your place to vent and be real and not apologize.

    Good luck with the new blog and the FET!!

    ICLW 149

  14. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm glad to hear that you never had side effects from the met - I was beginning to worry that everyone suffers from the stomaches, poop issues and so on.

    I'm glad that this new blog will allow you to truly release your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we all just need a place to vent.

    I look forward to following your journey and wish you luck with this next FET! You'll be in my thoughts.

  15. stomachaches, that is :) Epic failure in typing today, especially since I was an English major.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wish you lots of luck with your upcoming FET! I look forward to following your journey.

  17. oh my goodness! You have been through so much! I look forward to following your journey. I would be screaming at your doctors!!! They seem to have missed a lot!!! How have you been keeping calm during all of this?

  18. I love your love story. sounds very much like me and my husband. We met in HS, broke up while in college, and then got back together as if nothing had changed. I call it fate. And I love how he proposed to you. I can so relate..I annoy my husband all the time!!! Thank god they love us..right!? :)

  19. Thanks for the hugs, they are much needed today. Wishing you lots of luck with this FET!

  20. I am totally here in every sense of the word!


  21. Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog! This ICLW thing is GREAT! Good luck with your FET! I look forward to catching up on your story.

  22. happy ICLW!

    i totally understand the need to switch blogs. i just did the same thing last fall. i realize i had to self-censor way too much when i knew family and friends were reading. it got to be where i felt like i was writing to keep them updated instead of writing a therapeutic method of coping with IF and loss.

    hope your new blog takes off and you can let it all hang out here. we don't judge :)

  23. Thanks for the visit to my blog!
    I hear ya on the incognito thing with people IRL... I'm thankful for the support from my Mom & sisters and a few IRL girlfriends...but at the same time, I'm starting to censor my writing, and I don't like that. *sigh* It's a hard line to toe.

    I hope this final FET is the one for you!

    ICLW #151

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I wish you the best with your upcoming FET. Hugs and baby dust!

  25. Thank you for the comment on my blog! Good luck with your FET! I will be reading with great interest to see how everything goes.

  26. Thank you for stopping by my blog & your kind words! Wishing you so much hope with this final about pressure! Happy ICLW:)

  27. Good luck with your new blog! I haven't told my family about mine and am realizing that was a good decision. Very smart to start anew!

  28. Glad to find you again. Here's to hope.


  29. Thanks for stopping my my blog. And good luck with your upcoming FET and your new incognito blog. I've debated whether or not to share my blog with a few close friends...but reading your story has confirmed that I need to keep it for myself. It is important to be able to express ourselves freely isn't it?

  30. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog, and hopefully by the end of April we are both going to be pregnant!!!

    I also wanted to applaud you for going incognito so to speak. None of my real life friends or family know that my blog even exists, it does help to vent and you are absolutely right, that's what the blog for.

    Good wishes and sticky vibes for your FET!!!

    Your friend from ICLW #105 :)

  31. Hello and happy ICLW. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming FET cycle. I hope it brings a very happy outcome!! xx

  32. thanks for your comment...
    I hear you about the private space.. I still don't link to my facebook friends.. they might find it a bit much..
    thanks for the comment on my blog, good to have you around..
    well I am nearly 37 now...
    here's hoping for a fertile 2011!

  33. Yo yo yo, TIPSY! Hope that this is a "room of your own" (to quote another commenter...). Let's hope this FET is the winner!

  34. Hey Tippy,
    Glad I found you here. I am still rooting for you! I'm hoping 2011 is our year. :)

  35. You have really been on a ride haven't you!? I REALLY hope this one works out for you. You two deserve a biological child.

    I found you through ICLW and wanted to offer you my support in this tough time. I haven't yet reached my first IVF round (even though I was told to expect it) and my greatest fear is that I will not be able to continue on with treatment because of finances.

    Good luck and visit me if you get a chance.


  36. Hi Tippy,

    I am here from the ICLW. :o) My name is Kim and I am the editor of The Ladies in Waiting Book Club.

    I am so glad you've opened a new safe space for yourself in order to make decisions that work best for you... without unsolicited opinions from well meaning (and sometimes not well meaning) friends and family.

    I'm currently on BCPS too... starting my first IVF cycle this month. Good luck with your FET... I'm rooting for you!

  37. YAY for a new blog. It's so nice to have a little privacy from those you need it from. I look forward to following your journey, Best of luck and thanks for the comment on my page! :)

  38. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I too am on BCP's for my FET. When do you think it will be? I'm going to follow you and hope wonderful things come as a result of this final FET with your genetics.

  39. I'm so glad I can still follow your journey here! Wishing you the very best!

  40. Here from ICLW - I did not read the old blog, but i hope this is a good move for you. Even though my blog is anonymous, I still find it hard to be totally open sometimes. But if you can't be on an anonyous blog, where people understand what you're going through, where can you be? I hope this is a good move for you, and of course, good luck with the FET.

  41. Wishing you the very best of luck with your FET. I have had moments that I wished I had kept my blog a bit more private so I can understand your decision to go incognito.

    ICLW #36

  42. YAY for new beginnings! Love the look of your new blog!
